I’d like to introduce myself. I am a 23 years old, single, Brazilian man from São Paulo.
I was arrested 5 months ago at Hong Kong International Airport carrying 1,850g of drugs. I am going to tell my story so you will know how I came to be here.
I have a family – a mother and siblings – but I was brought up by my grandmother.
After I finished high-school and, with the financial help of my grandmother, I began to learn English and started training to become a hairdresser. Two years later I lost my grandmother and I went to live with an auntie who looked after me as her son. We lived in a rented house – the two of us and her three children.
My dreams were cut short, my studies and work were interrupted. But I have faith in God that He will help and strengthen me to get through this.
After my grandmother died, my financial situation changed and I had to find work to support myself and continue my studies. That’s when I asked a friend to lend me money, which he did and I could stabilize my situation. After a while I found work in a hair salon where my cousin worked and I continued my studies.
Know your friends well
I had debts. The friend who had lent me money came asking for it back but I didn’t have it at the time. I asked him to wait a little and I would start paying him by instalments… he was not happy with my suggestion and insisted I paid him what I owed. I had no way out, no one to help me with money to pay him.
He then came to me with a man I had never seen before and said that I had to travel to another country in order to pay my debt. I said to him if he wanted me to do something wrong I would not ruin my life to do it. He started to threaten me and my family, and my work place and would not listen to my appeal to stop. He wanted his money. I was afraid he would do something terrible to me or my family and so I was coerced to accept the trip.
Upon arrival in Hong Kong I was arrested at the airport. Never before in my life I had been in such a situation. It is a sad and painful time for me and my family. My dreams were cut short, my studies and work were interrupted. But I have faith in God that He will help and strengthen me to get through this.
I’d like to say that we need to know who our friends really are. Many so called “friends” want to disgrace us.
I am repentant and very sorry for having done this. I come from a humble family but they are good people and I have brought shame to them and to myself.
I liked studying and always looked forward to my future. Unfortunately my dream was all shattered. All my plans became futile. I regret having fallen into this trap and making the serious mistake of accepting to bring drugs into Hong Kong. I am now aware of the consequences.
I want to say to the judge and the Chief Justice of Hong Kong that I am truly sorry and ask for forgiveness. I want to alert people not to fall into this deceit. If you are asked to bring drugs into Hong Kong or any country, SAY NO.
A new hope
This is my story – the story of how someone poor can be subjected to go through. But I believe that in every circumstance we must never lose faith and hope in God. If He allowed this to change my life He will also change my story. We can overcome.
My plans and dreams have ended but I will not give up. Whatever happens, I am determined to start again somehow. I want to focus on my future, on what I can learn. Make the best of the opportunities that may be offered to me to improve myself during the time I am here.
I am determined to have an exemplary behaviour. I hope that on the face of the difficulties I have had and of what happened to me, Hong Kong can help me to restart my studies and build it up. I want to leave Hong Kong as a new person with a new mindset for only good and right things, and that through studying I may acquire knowledge and qualification for my future.
I truly hope that I will be given this opportunity while I am here.
Note: this letter was translated from its original in Portuguese and edited for better readability.