
NO MÁS MULAS offers its information on the Internet essentially for the benefit of individuals interested in its efforts to prevent drug trafficking into Hong Kong, and to provide a channel for prisoners to share their stories.

NO MÁS MULAS reserves all copyrights on material on its Web pages, including stories, translations, photographs and graphics. In the case of licensed photographs used on its Web pages, NO MÁS MULAS adheres to the third party’s licensing agreement and terms of use and do not assume or deem the ownership or rights (including Copyright) in such Content.

Whilst NO MÁS MULAS makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of information contained in this website, NO MÁS MULAS gives no guarantee or warranty or representation, whether express or implied, as to its completeness or accuracy or absence of computer viruses. This website may also contain links to third party websites not under the control of NO MÁS MULAS or materials in which third parties may also have proprietary rights (including copyrights, trademarks, logos, service marks or brand names). NO MÁS MULAS does not give any guarantee or warranty or representation, whether express or implied, regarding the contents of such websites or such materials or their accuracy or legitimacy. NO MÁS MULAS does not accept any responsibility or liability arising as a result of or relating to this website or the information contained in it to the full extent permissible by law.

You may not distribute, modify, transmit, re-use, re-post or use the contents of this website (or any part of them) for public, commercial or any purposes other than personal reference without NO MÁS MULAS’s prior written permission.

The unauthorised use of the NO MÁS MULAS name and logo is against international law and is expressly forbidden.


Linking to NO MÁS MULAS

Thanks for your interest in sharing NO MÁS MULAS’ message with visitors to your website!

NO MÁS MULAS welcomes links from sites that share our goals of raising awareness and working against drug trafficking in Hong Kong, Latin America and the world. By adding a link you are expressing your support for these goals.

A site that links to NO MÁS MULAS’ site:

  • May link to NO MÁS MULAS’ content but may not copy it without special permission.
  • Should not embed a NO MÁS MULAS web page in a frame or create any border environment around NO MÁS MULAS content.
  • Should not misrepresent its relationship with NO MÁS MULAS or imply that NO MÁS MULAS is endorsing it or its products.
  • Should not use the NO MÁS MULAS logo without permission. Permission is normally granted only to authorized partners of NO MÁS MULAS, i.e. those organizations with which NO MÁS MULAS has an existing working relationship, which typically are NGOs, academic institutions, publishers and broadcasters, and government agencies.
  • Must, if it sells any products or services, inform NO MÁS MULAS and request permission to link as a commercial site.

NO MÁS MULAS reserves the right to disallow links at any time (e.g. if there are contents or other links in close proximity to the NO MÁS MULAS link that may be inappropriate from NO MÁS MULAS’ point of view). If this is the case, the site maintainers agree to delete the link immediately.